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ITEST Projects Shine in the NSF 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase


In May 2015, seventeen ITEST projects presented videos in the 2015 National Science Foundation Teaching and Learning Video Showcase. Organized by TERC, the showcase contained 112 videos produced by NSF-funded projects associated with one of these resource centers: ARC, CADRE, CAISE, CIRCL, CS10K, MSPNet, and STELAR.

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UMass Dartmouth to Host New England Regional for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle International Competition


UMass Dartmouth will host the New England Regional for the 2014 Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) Competition, Saturday, May 3, 2014, at UMass Dartmouth's Tripp Athletic Center. The New England Regional ROV Competition is one of more than 20 regional contests that take place across the United States and Canada, and in Hong Kong, Scotland, Japan, and Egypt.

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New ITEST Data Brief Published


The ITEST program specifically targets its work toward engaging the participation of youth who have been traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary STEM education and the STEM workforce, including, but not limited to, “… women, underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders) and persons with disabilities” (2014 NSF ITEST solicitation). How do projects

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ITEST Symposia at AERA


The AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas -- from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy. It is where to encounter ideas and data that will shape tomorrow's education practices and policies, and where to connect with leading thinkers from the U.S. and

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SDSU Student Dreams Big


SDSU graduate student Gene Rayford aspires to cure cancer and win the Nobel Prize. While developing a hospital ER medical app on his own, Rayford was recruited by the SDSU X-Team, which hopes his creativity will help them win the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE. As one of 29 teams left in the competition, the SDSU X-Team is currently developing a mobile healthcare diagnostic device inspired by the Tricorder in Star Trek, capable of measuring vitals and

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Competitions inspire STEM learning through innovative project


On May 31, 14 teams of middle-school students in the San Diego area competed in the final round of a tournament that drew both family members and public audiences. Rather than a sporting event, this was an engineering challenge that called on participants to work through the process of designing, testing and redesigning wind turbines to see which team could harness the most electricity.

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Students explore STEM careers in Botball competitions


Battle lines were drawn inside Mission Bay High School’s gymnasium as students from San Diego County competed in the 2014 Botball Assistive Robotics Sand Diego Regional Tournament on March 29. The tasks, to have Botball students develop effective robot technologies to solve state-of-the-art problems.

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Teachers look to ‘Alice’ for help


Alice is a 3D virtual worlds programming environment that offers an easy way to create animations for games and storytelling. Since 2008, Duke Professor Susan Rodger has led a two-week summer program training teachers to use Alice to help promote computer literacy among young students.

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STEM program builds ties between Stanford and East Palo Alto middle school


An innovative course and afterschool mentor program bring lessons from education, design and engineering to a local school. The program complements the charter school’s science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) offerings in a low-pressure, afterschool environment. Focusing on teaching design solutions that emphasize empathy, it has reached about 60 EPAPA students over the last three years, with some returning for a second year.

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