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ITEST Conference Symposia for 2015


STELAR collaborated with ITEST projects on a number of conference symposium proposals during 2014 for the 2015 conference year. We are thrilled that these three proposals have been selected so far. Learn more about the two presentations we will be leading at AERA and the one planned for NARST.NARST 2015 in Chicago:"Designing Programs that Engage, Motivate, and Interest Youth to Pursue STEM Careers across the NSF Funded ITEST program" with ITEST

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Serious about STEM


ITEST project Smart Clothing, Smart Girls is one of the features of this Cornell University, College of Human Ecology publication.

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Marine sanctuary hosts underwater robot event


The 13th annual Marine Advanced Technology Education Remotely Operated Vehicle International Competition takes place Thursday through Saturday. Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary will host more than 60 teams this week from 18 states and 13 countries for an underwater robot competition hosted by ITEST project Using MATE's ROV Competitions...Teams will work with their robots in a large tank and judges will be evaluating their performance along

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Changing the world one network at a time


In collaboration with Cisco CSR, The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) and colleagues at Binghamton University, Boston University and the Network Science Center at West Point are working to expand ITEST project Network Science for the Next Generation to bring powerful, but hitherto elite network science ideas into the lives of high school teachers and students for preparing the next generation of scientists and policymakers to solve humanity's

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Network science in high school


The Network Science Center has been working with New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), Boston University, Binghamton University, and local schools on a project called NetSci High (also known as ITEST project Network Science for the Next Generation) to bring the study of networks to high school students. The goal of this effort is to prepare the next generation of scientists and policymakers to understand and solve some of the world's most complex

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NSF pumps $1 million into NY schools sustainable energy pilot program


The National Science Foundation has awarded $1.08 million to Solar One, a non-profit based in New York City that promotes green energy in education, and MOUSE, a national, non-profit organization that works with underserved youth to promote the use and study of technology, for implementation of the ITEST project, GreenTECH, that will be put into place in the school system.

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Two county schools to participate in UW robotics research project


ITEST project Visualization Basics will explore whether gaming and robotics be used to teach computational thinking skills to middle school students in culturally sensitive ways. The project, based at the University of Wyoming will engage middle schools in at least 10 Wyoming school districts, including Fremont County School District 14 in Ethete and Fremont County School District 25 in Riverton.

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UW research on gaming and robotics to boost math learning supported by NSF grant


As part of ITEST project Visualization Basics, team members will train teachers from middle schools in at least 10 Wyoming school districts to develop mathematical and scientific lessons that are culturally relevant to their students. Project staff will support educators as they implement those lessons and will work with the teachers to analyze the impact on students’ overall learning. Finally, the research team will work with participants

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Program teaches girls engineering via apparel design


Smart Clothing, Smart Girls: Engineering via Apparel Design is a weeklong course designed and hosted by faculty, staff and students in Cornell’s Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design (FSAD) with collaborators at the University of Minnesota. As part of this ITEST project, girls, from 4-H programs in Livingston, Ontario and Wyoming counties and the Syracuse chapter of Girls Inc., participate in four modules: advanced materials, wearable

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