What's New

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What's Trending on STELAR?


See what’s trending on stelar.edc.org! These were the most-viewed resources in the month of April:Upcoming Events: STELAR ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit: Building the Foundational Skills of the Future Science and Engineering WorkforceArchived STELAR Events:2016 NSF Video Showcase - Advancing STEM Learning For All: Sharing Cutting Edge Work and Community DiscourseSTELAR ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit 2016: Making Connections to Broaden Participation in

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ITEST on the Road: Presentations at Conferences Spring & Summer 2017


ITEST projects are presenting at conferences around the country this spring and summer. Details about where and when you can see your colleagues' work are included in this handout for your reference. Conferences include NARST, AERA, ICQI and ISTE!NARSTAERAICQI & ISTE If you have an ITEST project presentation that is not listed here, let us know and we will be happy to add it!

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Inspiring the Next Generation of Environmental Scientists

Girls collecting samples from the environment.

The ITEST program is working to motivate youth to pursue the many STEM-related careers and educational pathways available. One popular avenue of engaging students in a variety of STEM disciplines is by making connections to their environment. Many projects employ problem-based learning to discover environmental issues and explore potential solutions. This Earth Day we highlight ITEST publications, instruments, and curricular materials related to

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Project Spotlight: Digital East St. Louis


STELAR had the opportunity to catch up with Sharon Locke of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville for the Digital East St. Louis: An Urban Place-Based Learning Model to Promote Information Technology and Computer Science Career Interests of Minority Youth project. The Digital East St. Louis project is a longitudinal study of a cohort of 50 middle school students is examining the potential for digital humanities to increase interest in

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Upcoming ITEST Symposia in 2017


Each year, STELAR collaborates with NSF ITEST project teams to submit session proposals to education and research conferences around the country. These sessions broaden awareness about the program and share the program's findings with others in the STEM education and research communities. We are thrilled to announce these two ITEST symposia sessions that have been accepted for presentation during Spring 2017. Look for us at these ITEST sessions

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Project Spotlight: Preparing Responsive Educators using Place-Based Authentic Research in Earth Systems (PREPARES)


STELAR had the opportunity to catch up with Dr. Kathy Bertram of Alaska Pacific University, Principal Investigator for the Preparing Responsive Educators using Place-Based Authentic Research in Earth Systems (PREPARES) project. PREPARES works with indigenous middle school students from Alaska and Hawaii, engaging them in learning about place-based, culturally responsive climate changes of critical interest to their Elders, and about the STEM

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SISTERS in Science


Sisters in Science is a hands-on, learn by doing, afterschool program centered around middle school girls. This video highlights 5th and 6th grade female students in the San Diego area who are building alternative forms of energy like solar panels and air meters. CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8

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Broadening the Participation of Women in STEM

Women Engineers

March is Women's History Month, an excellent time to reflect on women's contributions to the sciences, and to examine the ongoing work of ITEST projects to increase the participation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Below is a collection of the events, publications, instruments and materials developed by ITEST projects and the STELAR Center as they engage with and inspire girls to pursue STEM education and career

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