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Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month

Poster showing art by Ily Soares

The Hispanic Heritage observance began in the United States in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week and was later expanded in 1988 to cover a 30-day period. National Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off every year from September 15 to October 15. It’s a time Hispanics, Latinos, Latinas and Latinx come together to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and

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Project Spotlight: Enhancing Engagement and Conceptual Understanding of Fractions for Students with Learning Disabilities using the Model Mathematics Education Curriculum


Jessica Hunt’s research supports a re-conceptualization of research and instructional practice using practices from both mathematics education and special education such that students with disabilities can build mathematics proficiency. Specifically, she designs and tests asset based learning environments and interventions, such as game enhanced curriculums, to understand, support, and extend processes of student learning. Jessica is the Principal Investigator for ITEST project Enhancing Engagement and Conceptual Understanding of Fractions for Students with Learning Disabilities using the Model Mathematics Education Curriculum.

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ITEST Proposal Quick Reference Guide 2023

Decorative notebook with page title

This document is STELAR’s high-level summary of the required elements of your ITEST proposal. This is not intended to replace a careful review of both the solicitation as well as the PAPPG, but rather provides a checklist of all of the components to ensure each is addressed...

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Imagining the Future of Work: The Equity Systems Change Compass


Author: Clara McCurdy-Kirlis What working might look like in the future—even just 10 years from now—stokes our imaginations. The world of work is changing at such an incredibly fast pace, and recent events like the pandemic and the murders of people of color have exposed and underscored inequities and health disparities that must be faced and dismantled in order to have a future of work that is both inclusive and just. Who really benefits from

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ITEST Solicitation 22-585: Initial Tips and Takeaways

decorative image of pillars

NSF released the ITEST solicitation (NSF 22-585) on April 14, 2022, to cover proposals submitted between 2022-2024. STELAR has reviewed changes in this solicitation from the previous (19-583) and share some of our takeaways...

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Project Spotlight: Examining the Impact of an Industry-aligned, STEM Problem Based Learning Curriculum on Native Hawaiian and Underrepresented Youth Workforce Development


What strategies have you found most effective and productive to broadening participation by engaging diverse underrepresented populations in STEM programs and careers? Through our STEMulate Project (DRL 1657625), students that participated in our STEM Problem-based Learning (PBL) Model students met and worked with STEM Industry partners in authentic ways - such as researching more about the presented problem or designing a solution pathway

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Let's Celebrate Our Planet!


Earth Day is a chance to bring awareness about the state of our planet and how we can improve it. The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970, and inspired 20 million Americans to take to the streets to demonstrate against the impacts of 150 years of industrial development which had left a growing legacy of serious human health impacts. Since then, over 190 countries have engaged in action to bring long term awareness to focus areas such as

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STEM Career Pathways: Beyond the Braided Stream


Jon Boxerman is a research associate at WestEd. He's served as Co-Principal investigator for ITEST project Closing Gaps: Connecting Assessment and Culture to Increase Achievement and as senior staff for Exploring Careers and Learning Informally to prepare for STEM Employment.Recently, a colleague shared with me a concept paper on STEM pathways published in GEOS. As a geoscientist and learning scientist by training I was intrigued by how the

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National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

National Developmental Disability Awareness Month

People with disabilities face many difficulties in all facets of daily life. In 1987 President Ronald Reagan officially declared the month of March as National Developmental Disabilities Awareness month. The proclamation called for people to provide understanding, encouragement, and opportunities to help persons with disabilities to lead productive and fulfilling lives. This class of disabilities can refer to impairments in learning and behavior

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