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This years theme: Black Health and Wellness

Health and wellness, Black History month

Black History month is a time of remembrance, a time to honor the enduring accomplishments and contributions made by African Americans. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History, chose this year's theme: Black Health and Wellness. The 2022 theme considers activities, rituals and initiatives that Black communities have done to be well. In order to foster good health and wellness Black people have embarked on self

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ITEST Projects inspire students through mentorship

National Mentoring month

January is National Mentoring Month!In 2002 the Harvard School of Public Health and MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, launched a national campaign to raise awareness about the power of relationships and highlight the benefits of mentoring. Mentors play a fundamental role for students at any stage of life to ask questions, search for meaning, and discover answers that give meaning professionally, personally, or spiritually. ITEST

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Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity


Featured ITEST project: Cultivating Elementary Students' Interest in Cryptography and Cybersecurity Education and Careers This blog has been reposted with permission from The Conversation. CryptoComics is a curriculum designed to teach elementary school children – particularly girls of color – about cybersecurity – the practice of keeping digital information safe – and related careers. Pavlo Antonenko is an Associate Professor of Educational

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Developing K-12 STEM Career Pathways for the Future of Work


This is a reposting of a blog originally published on STEM for All Multiplex website. Posted by Sarah MacGillivray and Joyce Malyn-SmithWhat is a career pathway, and how can career pathways prepare youth for the future of work? Simply stated, a career pathway is a learning trajectory that aligns the skills taught in K–12 education with those in post-secondary education. The goal is to ensure that the young people who travel the pathway are well

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National Hispanic Heritage Month 2021


This year’s ITEST PI conference falls during National Hispanic Heritage month. A time Hispanics, Latinos, Latinas and Latinx come together to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.The theme for this year: Esperanza: A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope, “invites us to celebrate Hispanic Heritage and to reflect on how

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10 Ways to Prepare Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce


This is a reposting of a blog originally published on Education Development Center, Inc.'s website. Dr. Malyn-Smith serves as a senior advisor to the STEM Learning and Resource (STELAR) Center. The world of work has drastically changed from when I was young. When I was seeking my first jobs, we were at the tail end of an industrial era. Today, we are in an information age. With the exception of service occupations, shift work and assembly lines

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Developing a Competitive ITEST Proposal: Tips from the STELAR Center 2021


As the resource center for the NSF ITEST Program, STELAR assists both ITEST grantees and those interested in submitting a proposal. Each year we host solicitation webinars on behalf of NSF, which allow program officers to provide direct information and answer questions from participants. While the archived webinar materials are crucial to understanding the requirements of the program, we would like to highlight additional tools, resources, and

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World Oceans Month

marine life

The oceans cover more than 70 percent of our planet and it’s one of earth’s most valuable natural resources. Not only does it produce more than 50 percent of the world’s oxygen, but it also absorbs approximately 30 percent of carbon dioxide emissions produce by human activities. The oceans currents distribute heat across the globe, regulating temperature and weather and absorbing over 90% of the heat. Did you know that bacteria, found in the

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Project Spotlight: Teaching for Equity in Appalachia in Mathematics and Science


NSF's ITEST and Noyce programs both focus on improving STEM education by exposing, immersing, and engaging students and educators in varied educational settings. This month we explore Appalachian State’s Teaching for Equity in Appalachia in Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) Noyce Project's work in STEM engagement, teacher preparation, and workforce development in rural settings.

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Recognizing ITEST projects focusing on educators helping shape the lives of students worldwide

Teacher helping a student

Teacher appreciation day originated in 1953 but it wasn’t established as a weeklong celebration until 1999. Many people aren’t aware that Mattie Whyte Woodridge, an African American teacher in Arkansas is the pioneer of teacher appreciation day. She wrote to every governor in the United States and eventually one of her letters landed on the desk of Eleanor Roosevelt, the rest is history.Being a teacher has its complexities, and we often don’t

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