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Developing K-12 STEM Career Pathways for the Future of Work


This is a reposting of a blog originally published on STEM for All Multiplex website. Posted by Sarah MacGillivray and Joyce Malyn-Smith What is a career pathway, and how can career pathways prepare youth for the future of work? Simply stated, a career pathway is a learning trajectory that aligns the skills taught in K–12 education with those in post-secondary education. The goal is to ensure that the young people who travel the pathway are well

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10 Ways to Prepare Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce


This is a reposting of a blog originally published on Education Development Center, Inc.'s website. Dr. Malyn-Smith serves as a senior advisor to the STEM Learning and Resource (STELAR) Center. The world of work has drastically changed from when I was young. When I was seeking my first jobs, we were at the tail end of an industrial era. Today, we are in an information age. With the exception of service occupations, shift work and assembly lines

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Developing a Competitive ITEST Proposal: Tips from the STELAR Center 2021


As the resource center for the NSF ITEST Program, STELAR assists both ITEST grantees and those interested in submitting a proposal. Each year we host solicitation webinars on behalf of NSF, which allow program officers to provide direct information and answer questions from participants. While the archived webinar materials are crucial to understanding the requirements of the program, we would like to highlight additional tools, resources, and

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Project Spotlight: Teaching for Equity in Appalachia in Mathematics and Science


NSF's ITEST and Noyce programs both focus on improving STEM education by exposing, immersing, and engaging students and educators in varied educational settings. This month we explore Appalachian State’s Teaching for Equity in Appalachia in Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) Noyce Project's work in STEM engagement, teacher preparation, and workforce development in rural settings.

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Project Spotlight: Morehouse College's iSTEM-Xe Program


Morehouse College iSTEM-Xe is an academic program designed for grades 6-8 that offers a rigorous, stimulating curriculum of project- and inquiry-based learning activities that explore principles related to STEM education and careers. What strategies have you found most effective and productive to broadening participation by engaging diverse underrepresented populations in STEM programs and careers? The iSTEM-Xe innovation component is student

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ITEST Proposals Move to Research.gov


NSF has formally announced that FastLane will no longer accept any proposals to either the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) or the Discovery Research pre-K—12 (DRK-12) Programs.

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STEM CareerBuilder Explores Strategic Government-University-Industry Partnerships Using Technology Enriched Interventions To Support High School Girls


By Kavita Mittapalli, Ph.D. MN Associates, Inc. (external evaluator) and Joselina Cheng, Ph.D. University of Central Oklahoma, (principal investigator) Computer Forensics Program The need for Computer Forensics (CF) professionals is becoming a national priority due to an increased reliance on technology and tools leading to critical data and security breaches, hacking, and cybercrime that are driving up the complexity and costs to maintain the

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MAGNET’s ECEC Project Demonstrates How to Connect Students to STEM Education and Careers and Transform STEM Education-to-Workforce Ecosystem


By: Nina de las Alas and Kavita Mittapalli, MN Associates, Inc. Ethan Karp, Matthew Fieldman, and Autumn Russell, MAGNET The Early College Early Career (ECEC) (Award no. 1763558) provides insights into how to increase high school students’ interests, motivations, and capacities to pursue STEM learning and careers through an innovative, work-based learning program. The ITEST project (2018-2021) draws on its experience working with partners in

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The Road Ahead: STELAR’s New Resources


2020 was challenging in every avenue of life. Here at STELAR, we have been creating products and tools to help our ITEST community and beyond make this coming year more positive by offering several new releases that we hope will provide support and offer inspiration for the important work that you are doing! ITEST Proposal Development Course: Launching in February, STELAR’s self-paced online course is designed for novice proposal writers who are

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Broadening Participation: Join the conversation about strengthening the pipeline from service to STEM for Women Veterans


By Brianna Roche The Women Veterans in STEM project is funded by NSF to leverage strengths and address barriers that women veterans face in pursuing and persisting in STEM careers. The project consists of two phases; first, gather thought leaders to conduct a landscape analysis of the current issues facing women veterans in STEM, and second, hold a convening where solutions and recommendations are generated and ultimately disseminated. This

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