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351 - 354 of 36

Cultivating a STEM-Savvy Workforce


Today’s world is a global marketplace driven by technology. Rapid advances in technology have changed both the work we do and how we do it. With the new affordances of the “cyberinfrastructure” we now have access to vast amounts of information online. We also have very sophisticated tools, such as visualization tools that help us see things that are not visible to the naked eye—for example, what protein folding looks like—that we can use to

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CompuGirls founder named champion of change by the White House


Congratulations are in order to Kimberly Scott, a long time ITEST community member, and founder of COMPUGIRLS, for being named a STEM Access Champion of Change at the White House. The Champion of Change honors people who are working to support and accelerate STEM opportunities for African American students, schools, and communities.

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STELAR Center Launches


The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected EDC to continue its role as the resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program. The new resource center—STEM Learning and Research Center (STELAR)— represents a partnership between EDC and the EdLab Group, which brings a wealth of expertise in outreach and broadening participation to STELAR. Our technical support work will be largely focused on

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EDC to continue leadership of ITEST Resource Center in “STELAR”


The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected EDC to continue its role as the resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program.In its nine-year tenure (2003–2012) leading the previous ITEST resource center, EDC provided highly regarded technical support to 195 ITEST projects nationwide, shared key ITEST findings through online and print products and events, and established a vibrant ITEST

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