Engaging Rural Students in Artificial Intelligence to Develop Pathways for Innovative Computing Careers
One PagerComputer Science Frontiers
One PagerDigital Empowerment: Can Governmental Agencies Data Platforms be Leveraged in Classrooms to Respond to Current Events?
One PagerImageSTEAM: Middle School Teacher Professional Development in AI and Visual Computing through Computational Cameras
One PagerUsing Flow-Based Music Programming to Engage Children in Computer Science
Achieving the goal of broadening participation in the computer science (CS) workforce will require that children have access to early opportunities to engage with CS. However, the reality is that most underrepresented children in elementary schools do not have access to CS at all. To remediate that
CSTA 2024 Call for Proposals
OpportunitiesPresent your work to a community of computer science educators at the CSTA 2024 Annual Conference, set for July 16–19, 2024, in Las Vegas!
Presentation Types:
- Breakout Session (60-minutes)
- Workshop (3-hours)
- Mini-session (20 minutes)
- Poster