Integrating Computational Thinking and Creative Scientific Problem Solving


The goal of this project is to investigate best ways to prepare the youth to confront future science and engineering problems. A team of educational researchers, science teachers, and scientists investigate the design of educational digital environments to promote engagement, interest, and learning in computation and science. Middle school aged learners are presented with science problems inspired by real-world challenges that are hard to solve and particularly suited to computational solutions with creative thinking skills.

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Middle School Teachers' and Students' Experiences with Artificial Intelligence via Computational Cameras


ImageSTEAM is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program designed to help introduce AI and computer vision concepts to middle school students through the development of innovative learning activities in visual media. Our focus is on encouraging students to pursue careers and interests in STEM and empowering teachers to train the next generation of students for the upcoming AI technologies that will feature prominently in the 21st century.

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Integrating AI Machine Learning into the Teaching of Paleontology Using Fossil Shark Teeth in Middle Schools


We will collaborate with 3 annual teacher cohorts (80 teachers total) from Florida Title I middle schools to develop innovative STEM curriculum. This will be done via week-long summer PDs, scientist-teacher partnerships, periodic virtual sharing and planning meetings, and standards-based curricular instruction during the school year. Our project activities integrating fossil sharks and AI will reach at least ~2K to 4K students each year.

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The Effects of Providing Starter Projects in Open-Ended Scratch Activities

Examples of projects using Conditional Loops

Given the importance of broadening participation in the field of computing, goals of supporting personal expression and developing a sense of belonging must live alongside the goals of conceptual knowledge and developing disciplinary expertise. Integrating opportunities for students to be creative in how they enact computing ideas plays an important role when designing curricula. We examine how student creativity, as expressed through theme and the use of costumes, backdrops, and narrative in Scratch projects, is affected by using a themed starter project. Starter projects are Scratch projects

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