Integrating STEM Into Afterschool: Lessons Learned for Educators In and Out of School


In 2013 The Franklin Institute, a leading science museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, received a grant from the National Science Foundation (#1138911) to reach under-resourced urban communities by strengthening the capacity of afterschool centers to offer STEM programming. Integrating Science Into Afterschool: A Three-Dimensional Approach to Engaging Underserved Populations In Science, or “STEM 3D,” was a five-year project that aspired to integrate STEM learning across afterschool, home, and community as a strategy for building positive science identities and creating viable STEM pathways

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Development of Parents’ Engineering Awareness Survey (PEAS) According to the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior Framework


With increased interest in promoting engineering as a field of study and career pathway to both college and pre-college student, it is important to understand the many factors that impact students’ learning and decision-making processes. In this paper, one of the important environmental factors surrounding students was selected as a main research subject: parents and other similar caregivers. Parents play a significant role in mediating between teachers and students as well as motivating children’s interest in engineering. To better understand the influence of parents in children’s engineering

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Draw an Engineer Test (DAET): Development of a Tool to Investigate Students’ Ideas about Engineers and Engineering


The public has an incomplete understanding of engineers and engineering as a profession. In discussions about the public’s understanding of engineers, many have referenced the “conventional” stereotype of engineers as train operators. Though this stereotype may exist among students as well as the public, few investigations to date have focused on students’ ideas about engineers and engineering. The recent introduction ofengineering into the K-12 curriculum in Massachusetts has increased interest among educators in assessing students’ knowledge of engineering as a result of intervention and

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Engineering by Design Advanced Technological Applications Course

Curricular Materials
Core Sequence

"The Engineering byDesign™ Program is built on the belief that the ingenuity of children is untapped, unrealized potential that, when properly motivated, will lead to the next generation of technologists, innovators, designers, and engineers." A Standards-Based Model Program The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association's STEM±Center for Teaching and Learning™ has developed the only standards-based national model for Grades K-12 that delivers technological literacy in a STEM context. The model, Engineering byDesign™ is built on the Common Core State Standards ( High School

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STEM Mio Journey

Curricular Materials

STEM Mio aims to impact students, family and the community by engaging students in inquiry-based STEM learning, educating entire families on STEM careers and Latino role models, and preparing students for college pathways to STEM careers. Latinos make up the youngest and fastest growing demographic in the US but remain underrepresented in STEM professions. While clearly capable, Latino students often lack familiarity with potential STEM careers, Latino STEM role models, and the college resources available to them.

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