Lens on Climate Change: Teacher Handbook

Curricular Materials

Overview of the Program The Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) program engages middle and high school students in film production documenting the effects of climatic and environmental changes on their lives and in their communities. Middle and high school students are paired with graduate and undergraduate student mentors to research, film, edit, and ultimately screen their films and participate in a panel discussion. Each student group (4—6 students) is guided by both a science and a film mentor through the completion of the project. The science mentors are science graduate students from the

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Supersized Life: Comparing Across Scales

Curricular Materials

DRIVING QUESTION: How wide is the scale of living beings that we encounter, even if we can’t see them? LEARNING GOALS: To prepare and empower students to undertake a more formal study of exponents and logarithms by creating and solving math problems involving changes on a logarithmic base-ten scale. To give students an intuitive sense and appreciation of how large changes by orders of magnitude are. STEM INTEGRATION: Science: Students will learn about animals and viruses that are usually too small and fragile to see and manipulate through 3D printed models of these organisms and information

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Mammal Skull Versus Reptile: What are the differences?

Curricular Materials

DRIVING QUESTION: If you find a fossilized skull, what clues tell you if it is a mammal or reptile? LEARNING GOALS: Learning goals are for students to collect, analyze and interpret data found in 3D printed fossil skulls. Students will be able to understand what type of information fossils can provide, including the environment where animals lived and the type of food they ate. In addition, they will have a better understanding of how much information can be found from past events regardless of size and or/time periods. COLLABORATIONS: Students will be placed in groups of 4. Each member of the

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Indigenous Environmental Science 101 (with Drones)

Curricular Materials

This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bridge Idaho Upward Bound program. During a 2-week stay at the McCall Outdoor Science School, students will explore basic environmental science topics through the lens of local and traditional knowledge and the use of remote sensing technology. Students will learn about the use of UAVs to work on local socio-ecological issues and design and conduct student-led projects that explore the application of the technology to issues of interest to them and to their community. Participants will learn about basic environmental science topics like

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