An Embodied, Augmented Reality Coding Platform for Pair Programming

2020 - 2023

Augmented reality (AR) allows the real world to be enhanced, or augmented, by computer-generated objects that are “added” to the real world. For example, a clothing store may use AR to allow a customer to “see” how clothes would look on them before they are purchased. This project at University of

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Scaling Professional Development: Preparing Professional Learning and Development Providers to Lead Power of Data Teacher Workshops.


This design-based research study examined the first two cycles of development, enactment, analysis, and redesign of the Power of Data (POD) Facilitation Academy. Professional Learning and Development (PLD) providers’ geospatial technology (GST) skills, understanding of programme principles, preparation, and stages of concern for implementing POD Teacher Workshops were investigated. The POD Team analysed previous POD PLD models. Using these results, the POD Academy and Guide were developed, enacted, and revised. Two cohorts (n = 28) participated in the POD FA designed to prepare PLD providers

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CTE STEM Digital Resource Study Guide

Curricular Materials

CTE STEM Digital Tools and accompanying CTE STEM Digital Resource Study Guide.The CTE STEM Digital Resource Study is a new study that aims to understand the potential impact of new digital tools with middle-grade students. The tools have been developed for school counselors, career mentors, and other professionals to help get students excited about CTE STEM and future careers.The goal of the digital tools is to present CTE STEM in an exciting, interactive way that will help transform young people’s perceptions of career and technical education. By using the tools, users can cultivate middle

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Chief Science Officers: A Strategy for Student Awareness and Industry Engagement

2016 - 2022
Chief Science Officers

The Chief Science Officers (CSO) program expands on the student government model to select one or several youth at each participating middle or high school who would champion campus-wide interest, engagement and communication in STEM. On campus, CSOs would identify opportunities for speakers, field trips, and science nights. Off campus, CSOs participate in community forums and function as the point person for community initiatives in STEM.

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