Integrating Environmental Restoration with Computer Science in New York Harbor with New York City Public Schools Phase II


The ITEST / CCERS project, Phase II continues to focus with the aim of better understanding and promoting equitable practices that increase student motivation and preparation to pursue careers in the STEM fields by expanding and testing an innovative curriculum model that features locally relevant problem-based learning with students in underrepresented populations.

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Project Co-STEM


The goal of Project-Co-STEM is to develop a model for professional development and classroom implementation support that increases STEM learning opportunities for middle school youth from the rural communities and tribal nations of Northern Arizona.

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Empowering Informal Educators to Prepare Future Generations in Wireless Radio Communications w/ Mobile Resources


We are developing an innovative suite of mobile-ready learning resources for informal educators to support youth and the public’s understanding of wifi and radio frequency communications from digital apps to a craft kits, summer radio camps, videos and activity guides in English and Spanish. These learning and teaching resources were informed by user evaluations, co-design and values mapping towards inclusive design.

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Career Exploration Lab: 3D Printing and STEM Engagement for High School Students with Visual Impairments and their Educators


The STEM Career Exploration Lab (CEL) program is conducting across the United States a series of summer camps for high school students with Blindness / Visual Impairment (B/VI) to stimulate their interest in STEM fields and STEM careers. We use astronomy and assistive technologies, including 3D printing and 3D printed tactile models, to bolster students' STEM skills.

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Promoting STEM Interests and Careers Through Families and Museums Exploring


This project uses a new model to promote the development of positive attitudes toward STEM and to increase interest in STEM careers. Science capital and family habitus were documented, and the data were used to develop a model program where youth and their families see science and engineering as something they do for fun, where they feel supported and valued, while promoting STEM career awareness, science identity, and an interest in exploring science and engineering beyond the life of the project.

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Exploring Generative Models with Middle School Students

Exploring Generative Models with Middle School Students

Applications of generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have made their way to social media platforms that children frequently interact with. While GANs are associated with ethical implications pertaining to children, such as the generation of Deepfakes, there are negligible eforts to educate middle school children about generative AI. In this work, we present a generative models learning trajectory (LT), educational materials, and interactive activities for young learners with a focus on GANs, creation and application of machine-generated media, and its ethical

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What are GANs?: Introducing Generative Adversarial Networks to Middle School Students Authors Safinah Ali


Applications of Generative Machine Learning techniques such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are used to generate new instances of images, music, text, and videos. While GANs have now become commonplace on social media, a part of children’s lives, and have considerable ethical implications, existing K-12 AI education curricula do not include generative AI. We present a new module, “What are GANs?”, that teaches middle school students how GANs work and how they can create media using GANs. We developed an online, team-based game to simulate how GANs work. Students also interacted with

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