Pueblo ITEST of New Mexico

2005 - 2008

This project is a collaboration among the Santa Fe Indian School, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and Pueblo Indian schools partnering to provide students, teachers, and tribal mentors with experiences using GPS/GIS, mathematical modeling and computer graphics. The work is based on a

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SeaTech: Underserved Teens Hooked on Ocean Technology!

2005 - 2008

One hundred and twenty middle and high school students in the Capistrano Valley area of California are learning to use technology to track and analyze the acoustic behaviors of whales and dolphins and conduct an acoustic population census in California, the Bering Sea and the Southern Ocean.

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2005 - 2008

One hundred and eighty high school students in the South Bronx area of New York City develop technological fluidity by exploring products of urban design that involve IT systems and networks such as transit systems, parks and recreation; exploring film and performance technology and music production and architectural modeling technology.

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The SUCCEED Apprenticeship Program

2005 - 2008

One hundred 9th grade students in the communities of Durham and Orange Counties in North Carolina learn computer modeling and simulation, and participate in Apprenticeships on four projects: National Digital Science Library (meta tagging and web design), Digital Durham (postcard database), SUCCEED (website design/web applications) and Sigma Xi (web support).

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Museum Tech Academy

2004 - 2007

In Springfield, Illinois, 90 students ages 12-17 are learning about and conducting research in archeology and natural sciences (geology, botany, zoology) using information technology and field-based experiences.

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