SYNTHESIS: A quantitative meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis on the impacts of informal STEM and ICT programs on cognitive and social-emotional outcomes of youth participants


This project is a synthesis study to investigate the effectiveness of informal STEM and ICT programs to maximize impact and broaden participation of youth participants in STEM pathways. We focus on two research questions: (1) How and to what extent do informal, out-of-school time (OST) STEM and ICT learning experiences impact K-12 participants’ awareness, interest, and engagement in STEM majors and STEM careers?

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Empowering Informal Educators to Prepare Future Generations in Wireless Radio Communications w/ Mobile Resources


We are developing an innovative suite of mobile-ready learning resources for informal educators to support youth and the public’s understanding of wifi and radio frequency communications from digital apps to a craft kits, summer radio camps, videos and activity guides in English and Spanish. These learning and teaching resources were informed by user evaluations, co-design and values mapping towards inclusive design.

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