Promising Approaches to Broadening Youth Participation in STEM


This paper, based on a review of over 200 publications related to approximately 110 ITEST projects, seeks to respond to the broadening participation question in the ITEST solicitation. While all ITEST projects include “broadening participation” as a central goal, we found that publications relating to 43 projects contained specific information on broadening participation. Of those, publications relating to 25 projects had “broadening participation” as the primary focus. Here, we present the range of strategies that project teams employed by highlighting some of those 25 projects.

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White House Champion of Change for Extracurricular Enrichment for Marginalized Girls


The Obama Administration has forged a number of pathways toward equity for women and girls of color. However, girls of color and their peers are still uniquely challenged by persistent opportunity gaps, structural barriers, and implicit biases. Girls of color are suspended from school at disproportionate rates and become more susceptible to falling behind. They are overrepresented in the foster care, juvenile, and criminal justice systems, yet underrepresented in STEM fields. Black and Latina girls still remain twice as likely as white girls to become teenage parents.

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ITEST Data Brief: ITEST Projects Funded in 2015

Image of Data Brief

ITEST Data Brief Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2016In 2015, 30 ITEST projects were awarded funding. STELAR surveyed these projects as part of the the Fall 2015 Management Information System (MIS) Survey and received a 97% completion rate. This data brief presents information from the 29 responding projects around the following questions: Which of the 7 ITEST Guiding Questions do projects choose to address?In what settings projects plan to conduct their work?What grade levels do projects serve?Who are included as project participants?In what locales do projects coduct their work? In what states are

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