SDSU Student Dreams Big


SDSU graduate student Gene Rayford aspires to cure cancer and win the Nobel Prize. While developing a hospital ER medical app on his own, Rayford was recruited by the SDSU X-Team, which hopes his creativity will help them win the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE. As one of 29 teams left in the competition, the SDSU X-Team is currently developing a mobile healthcare diagnostic device inspired by the Tricorder in Star Trek, capable of measuring vitals and

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Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE)


The Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE) was developed and administered to a sample of preservice teachers in the Midwest. It was designed to elicit information from preservice teachers regarding their self-efficacy to execute specific culturally responsive teaching tasks. The Likert-type scale consists of 40 items in which participants are asked to rate how confident they are in their ability to engage in specific culturally responsive teaching practices (e.g., I am able to identify the diverse needs of my students) by indicating a degree of confidence ranging from 0 (no

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Culturally Responsive Teaching Outcome Expectancy (CRTOE) Scale


The Culturally Responsive Teaching Outcome Expectancy (CRTOE) Scale was developed and administered to a sample of preservice teachers in the Midwest. It was designed to elicit information from preservice teachers regarding culturally responsive instructional practices and student outcomes. The Likert-type scale consists of 26 items in which participants are asked to rate their beliefs that a given behavior will have a positive outcome (e.g., “providing English Language Learners with visual aids will enhance their understanding of assignments” and “helping students from diverse cultural

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ITEST Data Brief: Project Strategies to Engage Underrepresented Populations


ITEST Data Brief Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2015The ITEST program specifically targets its work toward engaging the participation of youth who have been traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary STEM education and the STEM workforce, including, but not limited to, “… women, underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders) and persons with disabilities” (2014 NSF ITEST solicitation). How do projects do this?A 2012 DataBrief describing the work of ITEST projects found that many ITEST projects do

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Changing the world one network at a time


In collaboration with Cisco CSR, The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) and colleagues at Binghamton University, Boston University and the Network Science Center at West Point are working to expand ITEST project Network Science for the Next Generation to bring powerful, but hitherto elite network science ideas into the lives of high school teachers and students for preparing the next generation of scientists and policymakers to solve humanity's

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Network science in high school


The Network Science Center has been working with New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), Boston University, Binghamton University, and local schools on a project called NetSci High (also known as ITEST project Network Science for the Next Generation) to bring the study of networks to high school students. The goal of this effort is to prepare the next generation of scientists and policymakers to understand and solve some of the world's most complex

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