Introduction: Gender in the Internet Age


In this issue, linguist Susan Herring presents a survey of research on gender in computer-mediated communication on mailing lists and in discussion groups. Lisa King, the president of DC Web Women, discusses gender in online communities, which she distinguishes from public or semi-public discussion groups. Virginia Eubanks, editor of the cyberfeminist 'zine Brillo, begins with the claim that the Internet is actively and aggressively hostile to women and discusses her successes challenging the paradigms that actively exclude white women and people of color. Information scientist Elizabeth

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Girls' Preference in Software Design: Insights from a Focus Group


The challenge of increasing girls' interest in and skills with computers has serious social and economic consequences if left unaddressed.The gender gap in computer interest and skills begins in the early grades (Becker and Sterling, 1987), persists in the home environment, and continues into adulthood (Giaquinta, Bauer & Levin, 1993), leaving girls with limited exposure to female role models with computer expertise.Meanwhile, as technology becomes part of the fabric of our society, computer skills are a more significant factor in the economic deprivation or advancement of large segments of

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Engineer Your Life

Curricular Materials

The result of extensive research into the reasons girls are less interested in engineering than boys, Engineer Your Life shows high school girls and adults in their lives how varied and creative engineering can be and what a different engineers make in the lives of others.

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Girls and Science: A Training Module on Motivating Girls to Embark on Science and Technology Careers

Curricular Materials

Social and economic development of a country is closely linked to the educational level of its female population. As women in the developing world are generally under-represented in science and technology, this training module aims to address the inherent gender disparities in this field, with a specific focus on Africa. This training manual developed and distributed by UNESCO is written to teach educators about gender disparities in science. Six units provide training, career guidance information, and activities.

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Bridging Barriers: Using Technology to Attract, Retain, and Mentor the Engineering Workforce of Tomorrow


Today’s technology-based global economy places a high premium on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Educators committed to increasing the interest and achievement of females in engineering struggle to find appropriate resources. The Gender and Science Digital Library (GSDL) from Education Development Center, Inc., (EDC) is a unique on-line collection of exemplary resources aimed at encouraging girls and women to pursue science and engineering education and careers. Participants will receive an on-line tour of the GSDL and a hands-on look at exemplary

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Space Aliens? Women, ICTs, and Gender-Equitable Electronic Resources


This paper explores some of the critical issues surrounding gender and technology, examines what they mean for teaching and learning online, and then describes two projects at the Gender and Diversities Institute at EDC. The first project is research on online learning and its links to gender equity. The second project builds on this base to create a gender and science digital library. Both reflect the work of the Gender and Diversities Institute as it tries to determine how best to create web-based resources and materials that value gender and diversity and support the learning needs of

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Encouraging Girls in Math and Science


Developed by a panel of experts, this practice guide brings together evidence and expertise to provide educators with specific and coherent evidence-based recommendations on how to encourage girls in the fields of math and science. The objective is to provide teachers with specific recommendations that can be carried out in the classroom without requiring systemic change. Other school personnel having direct contact with students, such as coaches, counselors, and principals may also find the guide useful. The guide offers five recommendations and indicates the quality of the evidence that

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ITEST Data Brief: ITEST Participants - Reaching Underserved and Underrepresented Groups


ITEST Data Brief Volume 1, Issue 3, June 2012The National Science Foundation ITEST Program explicitly states its commitment to focus on students from groups underserved and underrepresented in STEM and ICT-intensive careers. The ITEST Management Information System (MIS) asked projects to identify characteristics of their student participants, and this Data Brief explores that information to see whether and to what degree projects are working with underserved and underrepresented students.

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