Connected Science Learning: Bridging the Gap between Informal & In-school STEM Education


A Seminar at the National Science Teachers Association Introducing the new NSTA Journal Connected Science Learning to be held:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
3:00 – 4:30 PM EST (attend in-person or stream)
1840 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington VA 22201

Please RSVP by Feb. 18 for in-person or online participation (you will receive a link with information for streaming):

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ITEST Project STUDIO: Build Our World Receives Communications Award


STELAR congratulates ITEST collaborative research project, Creating a STEM Pipeline for Low Income and Immigrant Youth, also known as STUDIO: Build Our World, for receiving a silver medal in the 2017 Council for the Advancement and Support of Education District VIII Communication Awards for the project video appearing below. STUDIO: Build Our World is an after-school STEM mentoring partnership between the University of Washington (UW) 3DL

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Opting in and Creating Demand: Why Young People Choose to Teach Mathematics to Each Other


Access to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields serves as a key entry point to economic mobility and civic enfranchisement. Such access must take seriously the intellectual power of the knowledge and practices of non-dominant youth. In our case, this has meant to shift epistemic authority in mathematics from academic institutions to young people themselves. This article is about why high school-aged students, from underrepresented groups, choose to participate in an out-of-school time program in which they teach younger children in the domains of mathematics and computer

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Students’ Perceptions of the Long-Term Impact of Attending a “CSI Science Camp”


A science summer camp is a popular type of informal science experience for youth. While there is no one model of a science camp, these experiences typically allow for more focused and in-depth exploration of different science domains and are usually hands-on and participatory. The goal of this research was to examine the impact of a short science camp program approximately 1 year after students attended the camp. Overall, the results revealed that attending a 2-day forensic science camp had a positive and continuing influence on the participants. Students’ science self-efficacy increased

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Dragons, Ladybugs, and Softballs: Girls’ STEM Engagement with Human-Centered Robotics


Early experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are important for getting youth interested in STEM fields, particularly for girls. Here, we explore how an after-school robotics club can provide informal STEM experiences that inspire students to engage with STEM in the future. Human-centered robotics, with its emphasis on the social aspects of science and technology, may be especially important for bringing girls into the STEM pipeline. Using a problem-based approach, we designed two robotics challenges. We focus here on the more extended second challenge, in which

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Preparing Students for Middle School Through After-School STEM Activities


The middle school years are a crucial time for cultivating students’ interest in and preparedness for future STEM careers. However, not all middle school children are provided opportunities to engage, learn and achieve in STEM subject areas. Engineering, in particular, is neglected in these grades because it usually is not part of science or mathematics curricula. This study investigates the effectiveness of an engineering-integrated STEM curriculum designed for use in an after-school environment. The inquiry-based activities comprising the unit, Think Like an Astronaut, were intended to

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Innovations and Challenges in Project-Based STEM Education: Lessons from ITEST


For over a decade, the National Science Foundation’s Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program has funded researchers and educators to build an understanding of best practices, contexts, and processes contributing to K-12 students’ motivation and participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities that lead to STEM career pathways. The outcomes from these projects have contributed significantly to the national body of knowledge about strategies, successes, models, and interventions that support and encourage youth to pursue

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National Science Foundation Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies (Cyberlearning) Solicitation


The purpose of the Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies program is to integrate opportunities offered by emerging technologies with advances in what is known about how people learn to advance three interconnected thrusts:

Cyber innovation: Developing next-generation cyberlearning approaches through high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science and engineering;

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