NSF Q&A Office Hours for 2021 ITEST Solicitation Applicants, Hosted by STELAR


On July 14 and July 21, STELAR will host NSF Program Officers Robert Russell, Gavin Fulmer, and Alicia Santiago for two general questions sessions designed for those planning to submit proposals on August 13, 2021. This will be an “office hours” style discussion and will be geared towards answering general questions around completing the required proposal sections and finalizing your submission. Questions that are submitted in advance, and questions posed during the office hours will be addressed throughout the office hours session. 

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2021 ITEST Solicitation Webinar: Solicitation Overview


On June 30, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for an informative webinar on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583). During this webinar NSF Program Officers Bob Russell, Alicia Santiago, and Gavin Fulmer

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K–8 STEM Career Competencies: Developing Foundational Skills for the Future of Work

Cover of the framework; children engaging in STEM Learning

This framework identifies 10 foundational career competency areas correlated to characteristics of future work at the Human Technology Frontier and what thought leaders in the field believe successful workers in those environments need to know and be able to do. It is meant as a guide for teachers interested in helping their students develop the foundations of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to be successful in life when they exit formal schooling. Many of the suggested competencies may already be included in the curriculum or pedagogy in K-8 classrooms. In those cases, this guide may

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2021 ITEST Solicitation Webinar: Solicitation Overview


On June 30, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for a series of informative webinars on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583).  During this webinar NSF Program Officers Bob Russell, Alicia Santiago, and Gavin Fulmer, reviewed the goals of the ITEST program, highlighted key aspects of the solicitation, and provided guidance on developing a competitive proposal.

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NSF Webinar for Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 21-033): Advancing Quantum Education and Workforce Development


The National Science Foundation published NSF 21-033, “Advancing Quantum Education and Workforce Development” in December 2020. This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encourages submission of proposals for projects that will motivate and prepare students for quantum industries of the future. The National Science Foundation (NSF) is interested in preparation of students for quantum information science and engineering (QISE) at all levels and in all settings, both formal and informal.

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ITEST Proposal Development Course Webinar: Research & Evaluation


On Thursday, April 15, 3:00 pm STELAR hosted the third webinar in our Proposal Development Course series: Research & Evaluation. The webinar presented information about options for research and evaluation designs, and how evaluation provides ongoing feedback on your work as well as on the overall

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