NSF Webinar: Guidance for ITEST SEI Proposals on Scaling Prior Research


NSF Program Officers Arlene de Strulle and Stephanie Teasley presented on the essential components of successful Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations (SEI) ITEST proposals. This presentation addressed the following points: 

  • How SEI differs from the other ITEST project types, 

  • Essential components that should be discussed in an SEI proposal, 

  • What reviewers are instructed to look for in their review of SEI proposals,  

  • How research methodology should be adapted to scale,  

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ITEST PI Panel: Scale-up Experiences, Successes & Challenges


The second webinar in support of encouraging Scaling, Expanding and Iterating Innovations (SEI) proposals invited back ITEST Principal Investigators to share their successes and challenges on scaling their work in the ITEST 2022 PI Meeting. The presentations was followed by a Q&A with PIs.

Presentations by: 

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Scaling Professional Development: Preparing Professional Learning and Development Providers to Lead Power of Data Teacher Workshops.


This design-based research study examined the first two cycles of development, enactment, analysis, and redesign of the Power of Data (POD) Facilitation Academy. Professional Learning and Development (PLD) providers’ geospatial technology (GST) skills, understanding of programme principles, preparation, and stages of concern for implementing POD Teacher Workshops were investigated. The POD Team analysed previous POD PLD models. Using these results, the POD Academy and Guide were developed, enacted, and revised. Two cohorts (n = 28) participated in the POD FA designed to prepare PLD providers

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