ITEST Conference Symposia for 2015


STELAR collaborated with ITEST projects on a number of conference symposium proposals during 2014 for the 2015 conference year. We are thrilled that these three proposals have been selected so far. Learn more about the two presentations we will be leading at AERA and the one planned for NARST.NARST 2015 in Chicago:"Designing Programs that Engage, Motivate, and Interest Youth to Pursue STEM Careers across the NSF Funded ITEST program" with ITEST

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ITEST Idea Brief: Using Gaming & Computer Simulations for Youth Engagement & Learning


ITEST LRC Idea Brief Volume 5, March 2007Increasingly, educators are leveraging games and computer simulations to create dynamic learning experiences. Among the numerous ITEST projects engaged in this work are Girl Game Company, in which girls design and program their own games, and Global Challenge, whereteams of youth learn about systems and scientific concepts through games and simulations.

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Serious about STEM


ITEST project Smart Clothing, Smart Girls is one of the features of this Cornell University, College of Human Ecology publication.

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The GLOBE California Academy Program


In October 2011, WestEd and University of California Berkeley’s Career Academy Support Network (CASN) received a three-year collaborative ITEST Strategies grant to improve learning and workforce development in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and in information and communication technology (ICT)—especially for underserved students. The proposed strategy integrates the hands-on science pedagogy of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program [1] into the multi-year curriculum of the California green high school academies [2]. The GLOBE

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Supporting Climate Science Research With 21st Century Technologies and a Virtual Student Conference for Upper Elementary to High School Students


Engaging young science learners today requires a plethora of tools that oftentimes leverages technology in novel ways. This paper describes the use of several 21st century technologies to engage science learners in locally relevant climate science research projects and the presentation of these projects in an entirely online virtual student conference. Case studies demonstrating the use of and effectiveness of 21st century technologies and GLOBE protocols are also included. Through technology, students were able to find out more about distant locations and their own environments, talk to

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Weather and Climate Change Conceptions of Middle-school Students


One of the most important challenges facing the citizens of the 21st century will undoubtedly be climate change. Yet, understanding about climate change remains problematic for students and teachers, particularly in the United States. Understanding the small fluctuations associated with long term changes in temperature and precipitation is a daunting task for the general public let alone for the middle-aged adolescent. Unfortunately, students may only receive instruction on this general environmental science topic in middle-school and in a general science course during their freshman year of

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Examining Urban Students’ Constructions of a STEM/Career Development Intervention Over Time


Using consensual qualitative research, the study examines urban high school students’ reactions to a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) enrichment/career development program, their resources and barriers, their perspectives on the impact of race and gender on their career development, and their overall views of work and their futures. The sample included nine students who participated in a semistructured interview at the end of the 2-week summer program and again 12–18 months later. The results indicate that the students continued to explore STEM fields after the summer program

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How High School Students Envision Their STEM Career Pathways


Given that many urban students exclude Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics careers from their career choices, the present study focuses on urban high school students and adopts the social-cultural approach to understand the following questions: how do students envision their careers? What are the experiences that shape students’ self-reflections? And how do students’ self-reflections influence the way they envision their future careers? Five students were interviewed and data were coded in two ways: by topic domains and confidence levels. The research findings indicate that

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