Integrating Science Into Afterschool: A Three-Dimensional Approach To Engaging Underserved Populations In Science - Final Report


The initiative called Integrating Science Into Afterschool: A Three-Dimensional Approach to Engaging Underserved Populations in Science set out to promote science learning in three out-ofschool settings (afterschool programs, home, and community), to promote rich and varied science experiences to underserved Philadelphia communities, and to assess the value of this model for the broader field of out-of-school time and informal learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The project was funded through the National Science Foundation’s Innovative Technology Experiences

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ITEST Strategy Share Meetup: Developing STEM Career Competencies from K-12


Over the past year, STELAR staff have been meeting with ITEST community members to learn more about the work projects are engaged in, and uncover challenges that projects have faced. In our review of these discussions, we identified three topic areas where examples of best-practices would benefit the community; Engaging schools as research partners (held May 16), Sustaining your ITEST Project (held July 18), and Developing STEM career competencies from K-12.  

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STEM For All Video Showcase 2019: Featuring 31 ITEST Projects!


Congratulations to the 31 ITEST videos selected to present during the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase: Innovations in STEM Education, held on May 13-20. Over 800 presenters and co-presenters shared 242 short videos highlighting innovations in STEM education during this online event. We invite you to view all of these videos and to read the discussions that took place May 13th to May 20th. View most discussed videos, and see all recognized

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STELAR Webinar: 2019 NSF ITEST Solicitation


On May 28 STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers Michael Steele, Alejandra Sorto, and Amy Wilson-Lopez for an informative webinar on the newly-released 2019 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program Solicitation (NSF 19-583).

During the webinar Program Officers reviewed the goals of the ITEST program, detailed the revisions made to the 2019 solicitation, and provided guidance on developing a successful submission. 

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STELAR Live-Stream: 2019 NSF ITEST Principal Investigator & Evaluator Summit


Unable to attend the Summit in-person? Join your colleagues online for our first-ever live-stream event!

In addition to recording all plenary sessions, this year STELAR will also be live-streaming the event during all plenary sessions. All members of the ITEST Community, and those interested in ITEST funding, are invited to attend. On submission of your registration you will receive an email with instructions on how to connect. 

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Investigating Urban Trees


Mobile geospatial technologies enable high school students to engage in authentic scientific data collection and analysis that promote spatial-thinking and reasoning skills, as well as problem-solving in a school’s local environment. We developed and implemented an Ecological Services investigation aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards in an urban high school with a large population of economically disadvantaged students. The investigation includes local field data collection with mobile devices and classroom data analysis using a freely available Web Geographic Information System

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