Catalyzing Inclusive STEM Experience All Year Round (CISTEME365)


The CISTEME365 project headquartered at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign hypothesizes that experiences with cutting-edge technology must exist all year-round to effect significant improvement. Thus, the fundamental project goal is to enable middle and high school Underrepresented Students (URSs) in STEM (female, underrepresented minority, and/or low-income) to participate in sustained, intensive, hands-on STEM learning experiences.

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Bridging Communities with Student STEM Stories: Culturally-Responsive Strategies for Motivating STEM Engagement in Diversifying Public Schools


This poster describes our NSF ITEST Project on culturally responsive STEM education and the power of students' stories about STEM in their homes and communities to not only engage students more deeply in their STEM learning, but also to help students, eductors and parents expand their understandings of where STEM can be found in the world and valued knowledge that exists in all communities.  

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Biology Meets Engineering


A STEM education program at the interface of biology and engineering, namely sensory biology and robotics. This program for high school students and in-service teachers engages them in activities that examine the interrelatedness between science and engineering using innovative technologies.

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Role Models in Elementary Engineering Education (RMEE)


The Role Models in Elementary Engineering Education has been studying the interactions between elementary students and outreach ambassadors (undergraduate engineering students) in informal outreach setting.  The project used surveys, interviews and classroom video recordings to expand our understandings about how engineering outreach is enacted and how students' perceive that experience.  The findings to date have expanded knowledge about what matters to students and the role they see ambassadors filling.  The project has produced new survey instruments as well as tools that

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Urban STEM Stewards: Civic science with community partners


This project takes a Civic Science approach to STEM, i.e., students engaging in science to promote the public good. Classes of students from minoritized backgrounds collaborate with community partners to identify, study, and act on environmental problems in their urban communities.

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