International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2018 Call for Papers
Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences Count
In 2018, the ICLS conference is part of the London Festival of Learning, which has two other conferences co-located and running alongside it – the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) and the Learning @ Scale conferences. The whole Festival of Learning runs from 23 – 30 June in central London.
ICLS is a major international event, organized biennially by ISLS, which gathers people involved in all aspects of the field of the learning sciences, including empirical, conceptual, theoretical, design-based, practitioner and policy perspectives. The conference theme for ICLS 2018 is “Rethinking learning in the digital age: making the Learning Sciences count,”. Now more than ever, the learning sciences have a key role to play in unpacking the complexity of the teaching and learning process. AI and Automation in the workplace, including within education, will alter what we need to learn and how we need to teach it. Therefore, as scientists and educators we need to explore learning in real-world settings in an interdisciplinary manner in order to understand how learning may be facilitated both with and without technology. In addition, there is now an additional imperative to guide the commercial development of Educational Technologies to ensure that they are pedagogically sound.
The Learning Sciences are replete with foundational theory and methods that can inform learning both with and without technology, as well as a significant bank of empirical educational evidence that is essential to the effective development of technologies and their uses to support learning. However, with these fast technological developments there is also a growing need for the learning sciences, which can contribute to societies’ understanding of the needs of the real-world, and the challenges and concerns of educators in different educational and cultural contexts. The Learning Sciences are uniquely placed to offer guidance that recognizes and addresses the long-term ambitions for better education as well as the ‘bottom-line’ considerations faced by the practitioners and learners at the front-line.
We encourage papers that build on interdisciplinary research, as well as papers that help to set the programmatic agenda for the future of learning sciences research. In particular, for 2018 we are also looking for papers that illustrate how the learning sciences can impact upon the work of the two co-located conferences: AIED and Learning@Scale, and upon the development of commercial educational technology.
We are inviting submissions across the following tracks:
- Full Papers (8 pages), Short Papers (4 pages) and Posters (2 pages)
- Symposia (8 pages)
- Pre-conference Workshops and Tutorials (4 pages)
- Doctoral Consortium and Early and Mid-Career Workshops (6 pages)
- Industrial/Commercial papers and the Practitioner Track (6 pages)
- Crossover Papers Long and Short (pages lengths as for full and short papers)
Important Dates:
Papers, Posters, and Symposia: Nov. 17, 2017
Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorials: Dec. 15, 2017
Early and Mid-Career Workshop and Doctoral Consortium: Feb. 16, 2018
Industrial/Commercial papers, and Crossover Papers: Dec. 15, 2018
The submission system for submission of full and short papers, posters and symposia, is: