
NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Nationwide Search for Division Director for the Division of Undergraduate Education


The National Science Foundation's Directorate for Education and Human Resources has announced a nationwide search to fill the position of Division Director, Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR). The mission of EHR is to provide the research foundation to develop a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-literate public and a workforce ready to advance the frontiers of science and engineering for society. To support this mission, the DUE embraces a comprehensive approach to strengthening STEM undergraduate education by investing in research, development, institutional capacity building and change, and financial and co-curricular support to students at two- and four-year colleges and universities.

The successful candidate will have managerial and oversight responsibilities for organizational goals and objectives by building teams and coalitions for the effective use of division staff expertise and resources within EHR and across NSF. This includes leading the activities of the Division of Undergraduate Education, assessing emerging needs and trends in undergraduate education, developing breakthrough opportunities, implementing overall strategic planning, and policy setting. He or she will supervise and provide leadership to senior executive-level DUE staff, program officers, and administrative and support personnel. The DUE Division Director is a key member of the senior leadership team of the EHR Directorate and works collaboratively with counterparts across NSF’s Directorates for the improvement of undergraduate STEM education. Additional responsibilities include: (a) overseeing the management of the DUE funding portfolio, (b) preparing and justifying budget estimates to support EHR plans and vision, (c) understanding the DUE funding portfolio and its impacts on undergraduate STEM education, and overseeing the evaluation of proposals and recommendations for awards and declinations. Also, the DUE Division Director represents NSF nationally on issues regarding undergraduate STEM education and is key in fostering partnerships with other divisions, directorates, Federal agencies, the academic higher education community, and scientific and educational organizations in the US and internationally.

The successful candidate will possess a highly accomplished record of achievement and leadership in academe, or government or not-for-profit research and education endeavors directed at the enhancement of undergraduate STEM education. It is most desirable that she or he have experience in successfully studying and shaping innovations for improvement of undergraduate education in higher education with impact at the national level. In addition to having a strong record of research and education accomplishments, the Division Director must be experienced and competent in technical, financial, and administrative management. He or she must work well with people from all administrative and programmatic areas, be an effective communicator, have excellent team-building skills, and act as a mentor to continuously develop the diversity of talents and skills of his or her colleagues at all levels. The Directorate seeks an individual with administrative experience at the level of department chair or equivalent, with demonstrated success in team-building and supporting professional growth of staff.

For qualification requirements and application instructions, view the position on NSF's website: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16111/nsf16111.jsp?org=NSF

The position is scheduled to close on 7/28/2016. 

NSF 16-111


National Science Foundation