Carrollton High School Wins GRNMS Southeast Regional ROV Competition
An unknown shipwreck waited at the bottom of the Olympic-sized pool for teams to explore and identify in March at Gray’s Reef Southeast Regional MATE ROV Competition. Engaging students and educators with technology and research methods employed by NOAA field scientists is the reason that National Marine Sanctuaries partner with the California based Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center. With annual pool missions that reflect the science of the Sanctuaries, MATE challenges student teams to design and build a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and embark on a flight path to the underwater treasures that await their robotic rovers. Carrollton High School won the RANGER class and will represent the Southeast region in Alpena, MI at the International Competition.
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Informal Learning and Afterschool
Youth Motivation and Interests in STEM
Publication Year
Additional Disciplines
Engineering - robotics