The New Hampshire Academy of Science ITEST grant began Sept. 1, 2022 and will enable wrap-around programming to provide underrepresented students in underserved rural communities with scientific research experiences along with mentorship and college prep throughout high school, starting at each..
Project Overview: The TRAILS 2.0 SEI will expand, scale, and innovate a tested model of integrative STEM instruction and teacher professional development to enhance rural students’ STEM learning while generating interest in STEM careers. To reach underserved and underrepresented rural populations..
Our goal is to provide a cloud-based programming environment for students with blindness and visual impairments (BVI) to learning computer programming and machine learning. This programming environment includes a novel screen reader that can read programming statements in more comprehensible styles..
The goal of this project is to investigate best ways to prepare the youth to confront future science and engineering problems. A team of educational researchers, science teachers, and scientists investigate the design of educational digital environments to promote engagement, interest, and learning..
This project provides opportunities for high school teachers to learn how to integrate QIS into their STEM classrooms. Educators attend professional development and then teach what they have learned to students at STEM camps. The learn and practice approach will hopefully allow teachers to be more..
This one page summary presents the work over the past year as we have transitioned from home-based instructional settings back to in-person and hybrid-settings in the context of engaging our partner youth in learnign about coding, transparent soil, and novel technologies.
ImageSTEAM is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program designed to help introduce AI and computer vision concepts to middle school students through the development of innovative learning activities in visual media. Our focus is on encouraging students to pursue careers and interests in..
This project aims to advance science-based STEM+C education and teacher training models with the addition of location-based curriculum for teachers and students in computer science topics and STEM+C career exploration.
The AI Play project is investigating how to introduce AI concepts via digital game design activities to middle grades students and teachers through workshops, camps, and school-based programs in rural communities of North Carolina.
CELI uses a networked improvement community (NIC) approach to school-wide transformation, teacher, agency, and minoritized students’ climate science and belonging in two low-income public schools (a middle school and a high school) receiving all of the District’s new-immigrant students in Hayward..