Journey North: A Global Study of Wildlife Migration and Seasonal Change

Curricular Materials

Journey North engages students in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. Use this site to track the coming of spring through the migration patterns of monarch butterflies, bald eagles, robins, hummingbirds, whooping cranes and other birds and mammals; the budding of plants; changing sunlight; and other natural events. Find photos, real-time mapping, the latest news, a compendium of facts, and other resources on these and other topics. K-12 students are invited to track and share their own field observations with classmates across North America on this site and now through a downloadable app.

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Analysis of Middle and High School Student Learning of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Concepts Through a Lego Underwater Robotics Design Challenge


The Build IT project is a university-school collaboration to increase precollege student interest and achievement in engineering, science, mathematics, and information technology through a novel underwater robotics project that utilizes LEGO Mindstorms kits, the NXT programmable brick, and related equipment. The project is being implemented in 36 socio-economically and academically diverse schools for students in Grades 7-12. Through a series of increasingly complex challenges, Build IT exposes students to science, mathematics, and engineering concepts such as buoyancy, Newton’s Laws, momentum

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Winners named in global underwater robot event


The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, the National Science Foundation, and the Marine Technology Society's (MTS) ROV Committee hosted their 13th Annual International Student ROV Competition June 26-28, 2014 at Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (TBNMS) in Alpena, MI, USA.Sixty teams representing middle schools, high schools, home schools, after-school groups, community colleges, and universities from 18 different states and

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NSF Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Principal Investigator & Evaluator Convening 2014


STELAR hosted the NSF Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Principal Investigator & Evaluator Convening on Tuesday, August 19, and Wednesday, August 20, 2014, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. The convening was for active ITEST PIs and evaluators and was an opportunity to share successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the ITEST program. The event preceded the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Principal Investigator Meeting at the Marriott Wardman Park.

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STELAR Webinar: Mentoring Models in ITEST Projects


Results from the Management Information System, which collects data from all active ITEST projects about what the projects do and whom they serve, showed that 51% of ITEST projects in the 2013-2014 school year included mentoring of youth participants as one of their project activities. During this webinar we will hear from three such ITEST projects and we’ll explore their mentoring structures, goals, challenges and successes.

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America After 3PM


America After 3PM is the nation’s most in-depth study of how America’s children spend their afternoons and spans a decade of data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. — the hours after school ends and before parents typically return home from work.

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The Impact of Informal Science Education: A Massachusetts Perspective


The projects described in this booklet represent the work that has been funded by the Informal Science Education program at the National Science Foundation. The outcomes of these projects have provided a wide range of opportunities for students, teachers, and the general public to become more familiar and interested in learning about science. Just a few of the impacts that have come about as a result of this work are:Wired to Win is expected to reach between 8 to 10 million viewers over a 5 year distribution period. In Boston alone, over 68,000 individuals have seen the film.Terrascope Youth

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