Principal Investigator’s Guide: Managing Evaluation in Informal STEM Education Projects


An initiative of the Visitor Studies Association, produced in partnership with the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE).This Guide is designed to help principal investigators and other leaders of informal STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education projects integrate evaluation into all phases of project design, development, and implementation. Such projects include exhibits, media projects, websites, community science projects, afterschool programs, festivals, family activities, online games, citizen science projects, and other efforts to help people

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White House Champion of Change for Extracurricular Enrichment for Marginalized Girls


The Obama Administration has forged a number of pathways toward equity for women and girls of color. However, girls of color and their peers are still uniquely challenged by persistent opportunity gaps, structural barriers, and implicit biases. Girls of color are suspended from school at disproportionate rates and become more susceptible to falling behind. They are overrepresented in the foster care, juvenile, and criminal justice systems, yet underrepresented in STEM fields. Black and Latina girls still remain twice as likely as white girls to become teenage parents.

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ITEST Data Brief: ITEST Projects Funded in 2015

Image of Data Brief

ITEST Data Brief Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2016In 2015, 30 ITEST projects were awarded funding. STELAR surveyed these projects as part of the the Fall 2015 Management Information System (MIS) Survey and received a 97% completion rate. This data brief presents information from the 29 responding projects around the following questions: Which of the 7 ITEST Guiding Questions do projects choose to address?In what settings projects plan to conduct their work?What grade levels do projects serve?Who are included as project participants?In what locales do projects coduct their work? In what states are

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National Science Foundation: Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Program Solicitation


The Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to and evidence-based understanding of the design and development of STEM learning opportunities for the public in informal environments; provide multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences; and advance innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments.

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Next Generation STEM Learning for All: Envisioning Advances Based on NSF Supported Research

Next Generation STEM Learning for All: Envisioning Advances Based on NSF Supported Research Report Cover

This report presents important takeaways from a one-day National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Forum, “Next Generation STEM Learning for All,” organized by Education Development Center (EDC) and SRI International through the STEM Learning and Research Center (STELAR) at EDC, the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE) at EDC, and the Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), working in close collaboration with NSF and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.The Forum engaged prominent scientists in STEM learning research and school

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New Report Calls STEM Learning a "Social Justice" Issue


The new report Next Generation STEM Learning For All: Envisioning Advances Based on NSF Supported Research highlights the ways in which STEM offers traditionally underrepresented groups increased opportunities for individual success, calling access to STEM education an issue of social justice. The report comes out of the forum of the same name, which was organized by EDC and SRI International for the National Science Foundation (NSF).In addition

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STEM Expert Facilitation of Family Learning in Libraries and Museums (STEMeX)


The National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG-Libraries) and National Leadership Grants for Museums (NLG-Museums), under which this special initiative falls, support projects that address challenges faced by the library and museum fields and that have the potential to advance practice in those fields. Successful projects will generate results such as new tools, research findings, models, services, practices, or alliances that can be widely used, adapted, scaled, or replicated to extend the benefits of federal investment.

What is this special initiative?

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