Fostering and Maintaining Students' Interest in Engineering
BlogBernadette Sibuma brings more than a decade of experience in educational research and evaluation to the STEM Learning and Research Center. With special expertise in cognition, instructional technologies, and human-computer interaction, Bernadette's research interests include how we can enhance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning, how people best learn with technology, and how different interface designs affect
Project Spotlight: Smart Clothing, Smart Girls
BlogSTELAR had the opportunity to speak with Lucy Dunne (University of Minnesota), about the Smart Clothing, Smart Girls project, which is a collaborative strategy project with Cornell University using apparel design as a vehicle to attract middle school girls to STEM learning and engineering careers. Based on a theoretical framework that supports mechanisms for engaging young, female participants in STEM, the project team has thoughtfully designed
Connecting Underrepresented Youth to STEM through Culturally Relevant Game Design
BlogThis is a reposting of a blog originally published on Education Development Center, Inc.'s Learning and Teaching website.Jim Diamond has extensive experience in formative research, instructional design, and the effective use of digital media and games to enhance K–12 education and promote social justice. He leads an evaluation of iDesign, a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST
April 2015 Newsletter
NewsletterProject Spotlight: Bridging the Gap
BlogSTELAR had the opportunity to speak with Courtney Raquel Wiggins, M.A. (Wildlife Conservation Society) about the Bridging the Gap project, which is a school-to-career model program that consists of afterschool and weekend programming for high school students at four New York City area zoos and an aquarium, followed by mentoring. The goal is to promote affective, cognitive and behavioral outcomes among 150 low-income minority youth necessary to
UMass Dartmouth to Host New England Regional for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle International Competition
NewsUMass Dartmouth will host the New England Regional for the 2014 Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) Competition, Saturday, May 3, 2014, at UMass Dartmouth's Tripp Athletic Center. The New England Regional ROV Competition is one of more than 20 regional contests that take place across the United States and Canada, and in Hong Kong, Scotland, Japan, and Egypt.
Dissemination Strategies 2.0
HighlightITEST project proposals are required to include a communication strategy for disseminating their findings. The National Science Foundation places a particular emphasis on these communications reaching broader audiences including scholars, practitioners, policymakers and the public.As the ITEST Resource Center, STELAR is charged with synthesizing and disseminating projects’ findings nationally, in order to inform and influence a national community
ITEST on the Road: Presentations at Conferences during Spring and Summer 2015
NewsITEST project presentations at conferences around the country during Spring and Summer 2015 are included in these handouts for your reference.
March 2015 Newsletter
NewsletterProject Spotlight: Build IT Underwater Robotics Scale Up
BlogSTELAR had the opportunity to catch up with Mercedes McKay from the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) at Stevens Institute of Technology) and Karen Peterson about the Build IT Underwater Robotics Scale Up project (BISU).